Have you ever been asked Who's the Best Boss You've Ever Had?
- I'll reveal mine at the end of the article!
Do you think about what it is that made these people stand-out from the others? A common theme I hear is that these people Inspire and Engage their teams. And, there are many ways to do this. Trust, Caring, Empathy, among others, are all words that come to mind.
In my opinion, a principal role of a leader is to Inspire and Engage their team and others for the attainment of a common purpose. It therefore makes sense for a leadership focused Blog to be called “Inspire & Engage”.
Most of us spend about a third of our time or longer at work. Work is much more enjoyable when we are inspired and engaged in doing good things for our customers. That’s where good leadership comes in.
In the best workplaces people work hard for their customers, they do a great job and enjoy themselves in the process. That’s why leadership at the frontline is so important. It’s where your customers experience your products and services firsthand. It’s where the majority of your employees are engaged. Get it right here and your people, your customers, and your organisation all benefit.
If you take a moment to reflect on your best work experiences, often it’s when you’ve been part of a great culture with a really good leader or group of leaders. People I speak often to talk about ‘the best boss they ever had’ and the qualities that those people brought to the role.
My belief is “Every Employee Deserves a Great Boss, and Every Boss Deserves the Opportunity to Become Great”. This Blog is part of that quest. It’s a place to share what makes great frontline leaders, and a place to learn from the experiences of others.
The goal of this Blog is to create a collection of short useful articles for those of us that lead and manage people on day-to-day basis and want us and our teams to be on a pathway of continuous improvement. What’s more iteratively learning and trying new things is a highly effective technique to learn and coach others.
The topics in the Blog will be a mix of topics, ideas, and actions leaders can take to Inspire and Engage their teams, so maybe one day they’ll be described by someone as "The Best Boss I Ever Had!"
The Best Boss I Ever Had?
The Best Boss I ever had always took the time to engage with everyone in our team. They made you feel part of the team and that you were greatly appreciated. What really impressed me was they always gave you the opportunity to shine with their own boss. They made sure that the more senior people in the organisation knew of your achievements. This was inspiring as we knew we would always be recognised for what we did. On the flip side they had your back and when things didn’t go to plan. They took accountability for the outcome. Don’t get me wrong we were still responsible for our part, but they always supported us and helped us resolve any challenges. We were never hung out to dry.
Feel free to share the qualities of your Best Boss Ever.
See you next time!
Greg Bull - Founder
Greg spent the first 20 years of his career working in and leading teams and organisations building successful frontline leadership teams.
The next 15 years Greg worked in many diverse industries helping organisations improve their operating performance. The bulk of that time has been coaching leaders and teams at all levels the leadership techniques that improve performance and create a better workplace and more engaged people.
For Greg, the most satisfying aspect of his work is watching the people he coaches develop and grow their capability and fulfil their full potential.
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In our first catch up we will discuss everything you and your organisation can do to develop your Leadership Intelligence and improve the effectiveness of your team and your own personal effectiveness.