Emotional Intelligence Introduction

Course Complete

Introduction to Emotional Intelligence. This lesson looks at the components of Ei and sets you on the path to developing your Emotional Intelligence from a Leadership Perspective

The first part of Emotional Intelligence is understanding personality. We reference two types of profiling tools to do this, Myers Briggs and DISC.

In the following exercises you can choose to use either Myers Briggs, Disc or both tools.

The personality profiling tools used in the program are quick representations of Myers Briggs and DISC. The intent of completing these 'Quick' versions is  to start the conversation about understanding personality. Emotional Intelligence is understanding yourself and others, we use personality profiles to illustrate the differences in personalities. 

Lesson Resources

Jung/Myers Briggs Worksheets

Download these worksheets to do 'a quick assessment' of your Personality using a Myers Briggs type profile. These worksheets also include brief descriptions of the various Myers Briggs Profiles

DISC Worksheets

Download these worksheets to do 'a quick assessment' of your Personality using a DISC type profile. These worksheets also include brief descriptions of the various DISC Profiles

Module 2: Ei - Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence Introduction

Emotional Intelligence Introduction

Course Complete

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